"I thoroughly enjoy felting and have made many different animals - meerkats, gorillas, pigs, donkey's, horses, hares - and I'm happy to attempt anything but I particularly enjoy different dog breeds," she said.
The craft is well established in Japan and America. Cindy's felts have sold in Germany, America, and Australia, and she will consider commissions.
Cindy's work can be viewed at www.facebook.com/ChicktinCreations
Email Cindy at [email protected]
We have one Border Collie and one Jack Russell Terrier needle felt sculpture to give away. The Border Collie took Cindy much longer to felt than the Jack Russell as it needed an extra coating of long hair to be felted on, which is fiddly and time consuming, but with very realistic effects.
For your chance to win, simply leave your details below before Sunday, January 27, 2013 - good luck! (UK only).
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