Spike found after three years thanks to microchip


Editor's Picks
12 June 2013

Danielle Richardson, Head Nurse at White Cross Vets in Walkden, Manchester, said: "Spike was brought into the practice by someone who found him on his own. He was very affectionate and only slightly underweight so it's a mystery where he'd been for the last few years. We scanned him, found a microchip, and managed to contact his owner, who couldn't believe it."

Spike's owner, Sue O'Toole, said: "Spike disappeared in 2009 and we spent months trying to find him but eventually gave up hope of ever seeing him again. When I got the call from White Cross Vets I was completely speechless, especially because we only live three miles from where he was found.

"We also own Spike's sister, Freckles, so the family is now reunited. Our happy ending demonstrates why microchips are so important."

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June 2013 is the fifth annual National Microchipping Month, organised by the Kennel Club, with support from many UK veterinary surgeries who will be holding microchipping clinics to support the campaign.

This year's campaign is supported by Petlog Premium. To find a veterinary surgery near you that is holding an event visit the National Microchipping Month website.