Sleeping dogs gallery


Editor's Picks
10 September 2012

One sleepy Monday morning, Your Dog asked our Twitter followers to share photos of their dogs sleeping. We received loads of pics, which perked up YDHQ - here is a selection of photos for you to enjoy.

Share your photos of your sleepy dogs with us on Twitter, @yourdog using the hashtag #sleepingdogs

@chijaek @cognitivechat @dinkydanezoo @lmclean24
@malourob @megsebarlow @missp2012 @orpheous87
@neat_anita @saire84 @mutlins @GinBaileyLinky
@JMStockdale @Jacqui1970 @MissCPRobinson @Mollyjo12
@SpoiledDoggz @Wood_Green @boxerstar @cactuslily_76

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