Quick and Easy Training


Editor's Picks
20 February 2023
Our latest collection - Quick and Easy Training - focuses on how you can still work on your dog’s brain and keep his training up to scratch from the comfort of your own home.

This quick and easy training guide is perfect for first time dog owners and those that need to refresh on basic training. Each training tip can be practised indoors, and once mastered, can be transferred to outdoor locations too. 

Included in the training guide:

Teach your dog the up, down and touch commands.

Teach your dog to fetch, drop and spin.

The Quick and Easy training guide is available exclusively on the Your Dog Membership. For just £2.50 you get access to:

✔️ Over 70 dog books, magazine and collections.

✔️ The latest issue of Your Dog magazine.

✔️ Every new title added at no extra cost.

✔️ Discounts & Offers on over 250 dog-friendly accommodation and online shopping.

🌎 Available at the same price worldwide. 

Find out more here!


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