Make sure your dog’s microchip details are up to date!


Editor's Picks
10 October 2018
The Kennel Club is calling on all owners to ensure their dog’s microchip details are correct in the run-up to this year’s Bonfire Night.

Statistics from Petlog — one of the UK’s largest databases for microchipped animals — reveal that there was a rise in calls to its lost pet line last year, between the end of October and the beginning of November, from owners whose animals had been spooked by fireworks. Although compulsory microchipping was introduced in 2016, 53 per cent of microchips have incorrect owner details, meaning that it may not be possible to reunite missing pets with their owners.

A spokesperson for the Kennel Club, which manages Petlog, said: “Research shows that 40 per cent of dogs are scared of fireworks, which can result in them behaving unpredictably and putting their safety at risk.”

For more information on microchipping and Petlog, visit

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