10 tips to finding the right puppy


14 September 2016
  1. Ask yourself if you are ready for a dog – consider cost, training, grooming, exercising, how much space you have etc. and if you're ready for the commitment.
  2. Consider which breed might be right for you and your lifestyle – there are 217 breeds of dog each with their own traits and characteristics so do your research and see which might be a good fit for you.
  3. Speak to dog owners, particularly those who own the breed, to find out as much as you can about the reality of owning the dog you want.
  4. Never chose a puppy for looks or because it's fashionable – decide if its traits and temperament matches your lifestyle.
  5. Visit events such as Crufts or Discover Dogs, or one of the many dog shows held across the country, to meet the dogs themselves and find out more about owning and living with that breed.
  6. Join a breed club – this will provide you with great contacts, a wealth of information, support, and advice.
  7. Find a responsible breeder, such as a Kennel Club Assured Breeder, who put the health of their dogs first.
  8. Ask questions of the breeder and expect lots in return – a good breeder will want to know they are placing a puppy with a responsible owner who will be able to give the dog a happy life.
  9. Know where to look and what to look for in a breeder – visit the Kennel Club website for a list of Assured Breeders or speak to a breed club for information on responsible breeders. When buying a puppy online or from newspaper ads, always see the puppy in its breeding environment before committing to buy, as these are routes that puppy farmers utilise to sell sick pups. The Kennel Club has a video of do's and don'ts when buying a puppy – www.thekennelclub.org.uk/PAW.
  10. Be prepared to wait – a good breeder may have a waiting list and buying a puppy will not always be a quick process – it should never be a spur of the moment decision and if you decide to get a dog you should be prepared to care for it for the duration of its life, which is usually over ten years.


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