Your Dog Magazine May 2022

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Issue Summary

We all want our dogs to be happy (you wouldn’t be reading Your Dog Magazine if that wasn't the case) — but the trouble is that sometimes our ideas about what makes them happy don’t necessarily match up with their own! But, as top trainer Jackie Drakeford reassures us, often all it takes is a bit of tweaking to put a smile back on your dog’s face; check out how you can ensure your pet is in a happy place on page 10 this issue.

On Sale: 07/04/2022

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

The same could be said about children and dogs. Kids Around Dogs (KAD) is a relatively new organisation that aims to help dogs and children stay safe and happy in each other’s company. Not only does KAD help children overcome a fear of dogs, but it also enables them to develop an understanding of canine body language and mutual respect — helping families with children to train their dogs and live in harmony; read more about it on page 18.

There’s no other dog show quite like Crufts — it’s unique and it was good to be back at the NEC in March, checking in on all the activities and visiting the many stands again after last year’s cancellation. This year we’ve been chatting to some Crufts competitors who’ve been treading the hallowed green carpet for the first time. Find out what it’s really like to compete at the world’s greatest dog show on page 14.

Finally, the story of Jenny Holgate’s eight-day search for her missing Labrador, Nelly, is sure to have you reaching for the
hankies! Thanks to the supreme efforts of Jenny, her family, and the local community, Nelly was found, but she’d suffered a life-changing injury — and so the battle to save her continued as she received emergency treatment. Read the full, amazing story on page 50.