Your Dog Magazine December 2019

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Issue Summary

Another festive season approaches and as we rush around thinking presents, turkeys, and Christmas trees, it’s also a time when a lot of us take stock of what’s happened over the past year, and how we move forward into the next. When it comes to our dogs and the dog world, some of us think big, while for others it is about more mundane matters...

On Sale: 07/11/2019

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Another festive season approaches and as we rush around thinking presents, turkeys, and Christmas trees, it’s also a time when a lot of us take stock of what’s happened over the past year, and how we move forward into the next.

When it comes to our dogs and the dog world, some of us think big, while for others it is about more mundane matters.

This is the first year I have noticed a subtle change in Bertie, my Norfolk Terrier. He is now eight years old and I’ve suddenly realised (with shock because it seems just five minutes since he was the tiniest, most adorable puppy ever) that he’s beginning to show signs of ageing.

Sometimes, when he’s curled up on the sofa with my husband, watching TV, and I pick up the lead to take him out, there’s a certain reluctance to leave it, something that was unheard of just 12 months ago. I’ve noticed a stiff ness in his back leg — could it be the start of arthritis? — and I’m thinking I must book an appointment to get it checked out. And although he’s never been the speediest of dogs (he’s more of a sniffer than a runner), he’s fast earning a reputation as the dog who’s always bringing up the rear!

So, my plan as the year draws to a close, is to get him a full and thorough health check, and then organise all those things that we’ve been meaning to do together but never quite got round to — because time passes so quickly, and we have to make the most of things while we can.

So, to all our readers and their dogs, we wish you a very happy Christmas, and hope you’ll enjoy — and make the most of — this special time — and this issue!

Sarah Wright, Editor