Your Dog July 2024

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Issue Summary

Summer is here! July’s issue is surely to get you in the mood, with plenty of inspiration for dog-friendly adventures, plus plenty more…

On Sale: 06/06/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Summer is here! July’s issue is surely to get you in the mood, with plenty of inspiration for dog-friendly adventures, plus plenty more…


  • Dog-friendly places such as Lulworth Cove in Dorset (an amazing DF beach!),  plus ideal cottages from Argyle to Norfolk
  • One man’s (and his dog) journey across 3000 miles of British coastline
  • Dragon’s Den start-up dog business
  • Maltese breed profile
  • The coyote!


  • Top tips for Summer travels
  • Lipids critical role in our dogs’ diet
  • A vet’s take on Cataracts
  • Nail clipping made easy
  • Behavioural changes in dogs during early maturity


  • Beautiful sight hounds
  • Special Junior section with cartoons, puzzles, fact files and more!
  • Competitions – win chew toys!
  • Dog-friendly diary – events coming up
  • Dog problems solved



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