Dog Care and Advice
Health and care articles, training tips, activities, and more...
What's a balanced diet for a dog?
Choosing a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of looking after your dog. But what should you put in his dinner…
Choosing the right vet for your dog
Choosing a vet for your dog: From a dog's point of view, it's extremely important that the relationship between his…
Give your dog a quick health check
Dog health checks: The earlier a potential problem is spotted, the more successful treatment is likely to be; it may…
Why does my dog have runny poo?
Why does my dog have runny poo? Vet Joe Inglis explains why runny poo is quite common and how the right diet can help...
How can I stop my dog eating poo?
How to stop your dog eating poo: Vet Joe Inglis explains why your dog eats poo and how to tackle the problem...
Having your dog cremated
Regulation and control over the pet cremation industry is virtually non-existent and your pet is unlikely to get the…