Pinscher (German) Breed Profile
Pinscher (German) Breed Profile
The German Pinscher originated in Germany as a herding breed and is included in the origins of many other breeds such as Dobermann, Miniature Pinscher and Schnauzer. They were originally used as guard dogs for coaches and were also used as ratters. Determined, intelligent and loyal, the German Pinscher will make an excellent watchdog and companion.
Pinscher (German) Character
German Pinschers are extremely intelligent and strong willed. They have a natural hunting instinct and are very agile and obedient. They are also high spirited and playful! They make an excellent companion and watchdog.
Pinscher (German) Size
The German Pinscher is a medium-sized dog usually weighing between 11-16kg and typically around 46-48cm in height.
Pinscher (German) Health
Generally a healthy breed. The main health problems associated with the breed are Hip Dysplasia, cataracts, epilepsy and heart problems.
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Pinscher (German) Special Care
German Pinschers tend to be loyal to their families, but more watchful of strangers.
Remember! All breed profiles are general and every dog is an individual.