Your Dog Magazine August 2019

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Some dog owners can be a bit dismissive of trick training, because to their way of thinking, it isn’t quite the ‘real thing’. But, in truth, it can be a lot of fun, helps develop the bond between you and your dog, and teaches your pet something new — a great way of getting his brain working. Besides, most dogs love it. Our Norfolk, Bertie, likes nothing better than showing off his repertoire of tricks to anyone who’s prepared to watch him...

On Sale: 09/07/2019

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Some dog owners can be a bit dismissive of trick training, because to their way of thinking, it isn’t quite the ‘real thing’.

But, in truth, it can be a lot of fun, helps develop the bond between you and your dog, and teaches your pet something new — a great way of getting his brain working.

Besides, most dogs love it. Our Norfolk, Bertie, likes nothing better than showing off his repertoire of tricks to anyone who’s prepared to watch him. As soon as he realises a ‘performance’ is required, he’s positively bouncing around with excitement, and, of course, he loves all the attention and fuss he gets afterwards.

Turn to page 12 this month to discover more about the benefits of trick training, then start practising your pirouettes!

You’ll be moved by the story of Bella this month. The brave German Shepherd suffered devastating injuries when she was in a collision with a motorcycle. Now she has made a remarkable recovery. Read her story on page 56. I’m sure you’ll be as amazed as we were by the techniques used to save her, and the sheer brilliance of the veterinary team behind them.

Finally, have you got a poo-eater? Well, you’re not alone, because eating poo is a not uncommon behaviour in the dog world. It’s just that to us it’s disgusting! So while you can’t blame your dog for doing something that comes naturally, you can convince him that there are alternative behaviours for which he’ll be handsomely rewarded. Our team of experts have come up with some good advice; check it out on page 26.

Enjoy your summer!

Sarah Wright, Editor